Auto club builds Transformer

Automotive group veers off the normal road of projects

Katie Palermo, Photo editor

Auto club has been known to compete in car competitions and go-kart races, but Ford Ferrari ’18 thought it was time for something new. After a “pit-crew” movie night watching 2007’s “Transformers”, Ferrari’s motor started running.

“We’ve built junk cars into semi-operating vehicles, so I thought why not?” Ferrari said. “It can’t even be that hard to build [a transformer].”

After watching a few YouTube videos and visiting a WikiHow page, the production has begun and they plan to have a final product by the fall of 2017. Their rival club, Hinsdale Central, is currently building a transformer too in plans to have a battle to the death to finally determine the best school.

“Football and basketball just aren’t reliable sources anymore and we want something more action packed,” Ferrari said.

Auto club’s advisor, Dodge Jeep, thinks that this is exactly the thing to restore the morale the school needs.

“Why not combine two things students love (cars and violence) to conquer something they hate?” Jeep said.

The ultimate battle is planned to take place before the highly anticipated football game between LT and Hinsdale Central this coming fall .

“At 6 p.m., they’ll clean up,” Ferrari said. “After they clean up they’ll drive their fancy cars home.”