LT student promotes healthy lifestyle through social media

Images from Webers Instagram account show her and her uncle shortly after her surgery that repaired a torn labrum.

Voytovich, Tessa (506216)

Images from Weber’s Instagram account show her and her uncle shortly after her surgery that repaired a torn labrum.

Charlotte McLaughlin, reporter

After waking up in a hospital bed after surgery on Aug. 13, 2018, Emma Weber ‘21 was in even more pain than she imagined she would be. A procedure to heal a torn labrum is no simple task, and it doesn’t get easier during recovery either—especially for a competitive dancer. Not wanting to endure the same slow recovery after her first hip surgery, Weber decided to alter her lifestyle and take a more healthy and holistic approach in life. She even started an instagram account to publicize her new lifestyle, she said.

“The surgery changed my life,” Weber said. “That’s why I started this account—to promote a healthier lifestyle that has helped me recover much better and quicker than the first time. Now I’m even able to dance again with Eury.”

To create a medium for sharing all that she has learned, Weber started her Instagram account, @hip2healing. She posts healthy recipes, simple and clean brands, and what she eats in a day as a working student, she said.

“I get giddy about this because I’m so passionate about it,” Weber said. “I want to create a lightbulb moment for [my followers] to make a small change in their lives that could benefit their whole body. Being our best selves includes what we put into our body, so I promote listening to it and what it needs to be the best that it can.”

Weber’s mother, Alison Weber, has been her number one supporter from the start. When Weber was contemplating sharing her story with others, she was a bit hesitant about where and how to begin, her mom said. So she told Weber to go for it and that it will make a difference in people’s lives.

“When we were driving into Vail, Colorado for her [second] surgery, I felt like something truly wonderful was going to happen,” her mom said. “More than correcting her hip issues, so much has come from that visit, and most importantly, come from within her. I try to be her encourager and her sounding board. This journey is so personal for her so that the spark truly comes from within.”

Ellie Chomko ‘21 recently had the same surgery and has benefited greatly from the information and resources Weber has provided her, she said. Seeing how Weber takes care of her body inspired her to follow that lifestyle.

“The tips and tricks she has taught me through this recovery have helped me so much,” Chomko said. “Even just by following her way of life a little bit, I have noticed major changes in my body. I personally love Emma’s new account and everything it has to offer. It will help so many people out there.”

Weber hopes to one day partner with a physical therapy recovery center, get a sponsorship with brands she loves, or collaborate with other influencers who have the same interests as her, Weber said.

“I’m inspired, I’m informed and I’m in awe of the courage it took to be vulnerable and share her story,” Alison said. “I’m particularly proud when someone reaches out to her for advice or with a question. She responds honestly and wants to help. She’s always stood strong for what she believes in. This is her true character shining through.”