Book Review: “Crippled America”


Brandt Siegfried, Reporter

In the Current Affairs section at Barnes & Noble, Donald Trump‘s scowl on the cover of “Crippled America” glares down passersby. A political narrative at a surprisingly low 193 pages, “Crippled America” is the ultimate campaign read for any hardcore Trump supporter, but also a decent insight for curious voters. In the unpredictable environment of election 2016, Trump uses his book to nail down and explain his positions to the average American in simple terms.

Immediately in the preface, Trump addresses his choice of cover: to personify the “anger and unhappiness that [he] feel[s], rather than joy.” Trump frequently uses the first person to tell a story, rather than the problems facing our nation. He references his personal life and his business successes to rationalize his positions, but if you’re looking for a comprehensive autobiography, Trump’s “The Art of the Deal” is for you.

Throughout the book, Trump addresses immigration, economics and foreign policy; the standard planks of his campaign. If you need some Trump wisdom on other issues, he also talks energy, healthcare, guns, taxes and infrastructure. Trump is definitely able to communicate his ideas with simple language, and that strengthens his position. Uniquely, any English speaker can understand “Crippled America.” I’ve read many candidate books, but no others are able to effectively communicate the message like Trump does. The context of each situation he touches on is provided, and he succinctly provides his opinions reached through logical thinking. Trump interestingly includes a summary of his personal finances and a list of properties owned, developed, or managed by his company.

Such praise is not due without mentioning some serious flaws. Trump makes many overgeneralized statements that serve only as campaign rhetoric, not as real solutions to our real problems. Fairly so, “Crippled America” is designed to empower the diverse Trump base, not to serve as a campaign platform. While it provides Trump’s insights, it fails to reveal any legitimate policy he would recommend to Congress. I commend Trump for integrating personal experience and rational thinking, but he relies heavily on them, providing few concrete facts to backup his statements. Notably, the book is void of a notes section or an index to validate the facts he does use. This is uncharacteristic of any nonfiction book.

Despite some issues, “Crippled America” was a great read. I was absorbed by the content, and I finished it in three days. I’m a political nerd, but “Crippled America” is definitely easy for any level reader to pickup. It will greatly provide another side of Trump that we don’t see at the rallies or on TV. This book provides a necessary view of Trump that I believe will help any reader at least come to understand him. This is very important in American politics, and even more important because of the great responsibility American voters hold.