Climate change and its effect

Henry Groya, Reporter

Since the 1980s, the issue of climate change has been a very prevalent issue. Climate change refers to global warming, which is an increase of Earth’s surface temperature due to human use of fossil fuels, that releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. In 1988, the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was created as a sect of the United Nations Environmental Program. This was set up under the United Nations to bring the issue of global warming to an international stage. That same year, the World Meteorological Organization was created under the UN to help generate solutions for climate change. 

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the earth’s surface temperature has increased 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit in the past century. This is due to human activities, meaning the way humans utilize non-renewable fuels. Today, humans generate roughly 84% of its total energy from fossil fuels according to NASA. This then causes the phenomenon of global warming.

Climate change leads to significant effects on the earth and its environment. Global warming causes glaciers to melt which, in turn causes the sea level to rise. Due to this effect the global sea level is predicted to rise as much as 23 inches in the next century. This leads to a damaged food chain, first causing plants to die, then animals and even humans. According to National Geographic, if the Quelccaya Ice Cap in Peru continues to melt at the rate at its current rate, it will be gone by 2100. This will leave thousands of people who rely on it for clean drinking water and electricity to suffer drastically.

Furthermore, global warming is increasing worldwide acidic rainfall, according to National Geographic. Acid rain causes plants to die at an alarming rate, which goes back to the notion of the negative effects on the food chain.

Due to global warming, hurricanes and other stronger-ended storms will only intensify, leading to an increase in global flooding. However, in continents such as Africa, droughts will occur more frequently. National Geographic predicts that Arica’s annual rainfall could decrease by as much as 10 percent in the next century. On top of that, less fresh water will be available in deserts like the Sahara.

Global warming in final is a serious issue in the international world and needs to be regarded with great importance. Climate change can alter our environment for the worst and should not be overlooked.