Reconsider hall passes

Our Position : LT should eradicate the new bathroom pass policy.

For second semester, LT implemented a policy where in order to leave class to use the bathroom, students must be issued a yellow hall pass by their teacher. Previously, all a student had to do in order to be excused was raise their hand and then ask to quickly leave class.

This new policy seems like an inconvenience to staff and students; not only could it be seen as embarrassing for the student, since they are the reason for class being interrupted, but it inconveniences the teacher, because they are the ones who have to stop class in order to excuse the student. It might not seem like a big deal for one student to ask for a pass, but if multiple have to leave class to use the bathroom, then that takes up a significant chunk of classroom time. Teachers have already expressed annoyance with this policy, and have told students to just go during passing periods, because this policy is too much. Sure, we are in high school, but that does not mitigate the fact that when you have to go, you really have to go. 

There are some staff members who do not follow the bathroom pass policy, but even then, the idea that we are too immature to leave class without a pass is embarrassing. Seniors, who will be graduating in about four months, should not have to wait for a pass in order to leave to use the bathroom. There is also an expectation of increased maturity once you enter high school, and if this standard is not reinforced by school policy, then there will inevitably be a lack of maturity across the board. 

If security and recent bathroom vandalism incidents (due to TikTok trends) are cause for concern, there are different options instead of these yellow slips. Many teachers already utilize a sign-out sheet when students leave class. This system could be useful when trying to see what students were out when an incident occurs, because there are time in and time out sections on the sheets. Various other schools require students to have their school IDs on hand while in the hallways. ID cards could be used in the hallways to verify a student’s identity if stopped in the hallway, instead of the yellow passes. This random application of bathroom passes seems to go against LT’s approach towards a seemingly more relaxed school environment. It’s something that places more stress on staff and students throughout the day, and is not effective in making LT a more environmentally friendly campus. There are other obvious alternatives that can be and should be used; the policy of these yellow bathroom passes should be discarded.

Staff Vote: 25-0