Festival precautions

Shierdan Spiess, Pulse Co-Editor

Festivals can be a great experience to see multiple favorite artists perform throughout the day. LT students tend to go to festivals, like Lollapalooza, throughout the summer. Although this can be a fun, exciting experience, students should take the necessary precautions to stay safe at concerts.

Dehydration is an issue to be aware of when attending festivals. Especially in the summer, hot weather makes it more likely for a person to become dehydrated. With the excitement of the day, many festival attendees don’t bother to drink as much water as they should. In a less severe case of dehydration, a person will feel faint. However, as dehydration worsens, the necessary fluids don’t reach your organs. You could pass out and need medical attention. Stay hydrated to enjoy your day at the festival rather than spending your day in the hospital.

Although drinking alcohol under the age of 21 is illegal, some teens choose to drink at festivals like Lollapalooza. If drinking is a choice you make at a festival this summer, be aware of the dangers that come with it. A combination of drinking and a hot day can quickly lead to dehydration. Consuming too much alcohol can lead to alcohol poisoning which dehydrates you, slows down brain function, can lead to seizures and can affect nerves that maintain heartbeat and breathing. If you don’t watch the amount you drink and keep your body hydrated, you risk more than missing your favorite band – you risk your overall health.

Illegal drugs are commonly used at festivals, which negatively affects your health, especially in combination with alcohol consumption. The two can create a toxic reaction in your body, more so than either alone. Illegal drug consumption, in addition to dehydration and alcohol consumption, can easily lead to overdose and kidney failure. It can also lead to delirium, causing confusion and panic, enhanced by sounds and visuals at music festivals. Overall, drugs negatively impact your health, especially at a summer festival where you are already endangered by dehydration and alcohol consumption.

Dehydration, underage drinking, and illegal drug use can easily make a negative impact on your health. You may miss out on the festival you were looking forward to, or more importantly, risk your health. Consider these warning when making choices at the next festival you attend.