Point: It’s time to Make America Great Again

Henry Groya, Reporter

This year’s presidential election shocked the country when businessman and celebrity Donald J. Trump was nominated as the next President. This came as a surprise to the nation, because a majority of political polls and media outlets favored Hillary Clinton to run away with the nomination. On Tuesday, Nov. 8 at around midnight it became apparent that would not be the case.

Trump had and still has many critics, including most media outlets, acclaimed Hollywood actors and the majority of urban and suburban public schooling institutions. He is perceived as a racist and sexist individual who only wishes to bring the “white man” up, however this is simply not true. Trump’s number one objective, stated in his victory speech, is to unify the country toward a brighter future and truly Make America Great Again.

Many of those who claim that Trump is a racist and a sexist are in fact incorrect. Trump won 42-percent of the female vote and won the white women vote, according to pewsresearch.org. Furthermore, Trump received 29-percent of the Hispanic vote, winning more than Romney in 2012 and McCain 2008. Claiming that Trump is racist is again incorrect considering millions of voters who voted for our current African-American President Barack Obama ended up voting for Trump.

When liberal America can get past the fact that our next president is not a “sexist, racist pig,” he and all of us can truly begin to make a positive impact on this country. Trump is actually not the radical social conservative a vast majority of Americans perceive him to be. He does not want to completely eradicate the option of abortion for the female population. He claims that in instances where it is harmful for the woman or rape abortion is justified. Additionally, many left-leaning thinkers believe he plans on giving guns to anyone who wishes to have one, again this is false. Trump plans on enforcing stricter background checks for individuals buying guns and plans on expanding psychiatric care to try and diminish attacks on the public. The policies stated are not radically conservative by any means.

I believe our president-elect will make a positive impact on this country by working with both the Republican-controlled Congress and the Democratic minority. He will cut deals with foreign leaders and bring jobs back to America. Trump will cut taxes on the middle class, thereby increasing economic activity and the growth of small business. Furthermore, the president-elect will work with our allies in the Middle East in order to rid the demonic group we know as ISIS. Meanwhile, he will pass effective legislation with the help of Congress that benefits both sides of the aisle. Our next President does not want to work against the minority party, but rather with them in order to preserve this country.

Trump easily could have not run for office and lived out his days comfortably, but instead he gave up his billion dollar lifestyle to make a sacrifice for the country he loves so much and its people. Trump ran for arguably the most stressful and important job in America and says that he will not take more than one dollar as President. Our next president will work for all Americans, no matter the sex, no matter the race and no matter the sexual orientation. He is simply a man on a mission to Make America Great Again.